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Private Equity Women Investor Network (PEWIN) is an organization that provides an intimate forum for senior women general partners, limited partners and private equity professionals to network, share investment ideas, explore potential opportunities to work together and generally increase the profile of female leaders in our industry. Founded in 2008, this invitation-only group for the most senior levels of their respective firms. PEWIN has also become a natural network for its many women CIOs and hosts several high profile CIO Roundtable events throughout the year in various locations where our members gain unprecedented access to this elite group of women leaders in the industry.


To retain, elevate and empower senior women in private equity for the long-term sustainability and success of the industry
Provide a trusted and supportive network
Raise the profile of women in private equity
Facilitate women doing business together

1200+ Members

30+ countries

100+ Founders

50/50 LP vs. GP

40 + CIOs

13 Chapters and expanding

US-West Coast
US-Twin Cities
US-New York
US - Boston
Europe - London
Asia-Hong Kong/Singapore
Asia - Seoul

Membership Criteria

• Membership is by invitation only.

• Members need to be In decision-making roles at their organizations, and are Managing Directors, Partners, Chief Investment Officers or Asset Class Heads. For GP professionals, that requirement includes membership on the firm's investment committee.  As a guideline, we look for ~ 10 years of relevant experience;

• Private equity investment-focused professionals (memberships outside of our core LP and GP target are very limited); and

• Sponsored by an existing PEWIN member and approved by the membership committee.

• Eligible asset classes: Private Equity, Private Credit and Venture Capital (Excluded: Real Estate, Real Assets and Infrastructure)

Membership Nomination Process

Current PEWIN members can nominate new members by submitting a form through the member portal
The form is sent to the Membership Committee for review
It is 2-week process: Review - approval - invitation to join
Log in to the portal and complete the nomination form.

Membership Fee

$50/Year for Institutional Limited Partners
$350/Year for All Other
10% discount for 2-year and 5-year memberships

Membership Benefits

• Quarterly events focused on topical discussions and networking
• Access to network of senior women investment professionals within private equity
• Support of women-oriented charitable organizations

Topical panels

Expert speakers

Educational & networking events

Annual Awards Dinner

CIO Roundtable

“Pop-up” networking

Our events

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Aug 5 | Minneapolis – Braving Our Savings: Making an Impact on Financial Literacy with Sarah Samuels

Aug 05 | 10am-11:30am

Join us for a special breakfast and fireside chat featuring PEWIN Membership Committee Chair Sarah Samuels, seasoned investor at NEPC, LLC, and author of “Braving Our Savings: Holland and London Learn to Invest.” This engaging and...

Event Details

Sep 10 | New York – PEWIN PINNACLE 2024

Sep 10 | 7am-7pm

We are excited to share that PEWIN’s Annual General Meeting is now being brought to you as:
PEWIN Pinnacle
Members will enjoy a full day experience with the opportunity to unite, empower and advance the collective success of women GP and LP...

Event Details

Sep 19 | Boston – Developing a Platform of Influence

Sep 19 | 8am-10:30am

PEWIN Boston Chapter Presents: Developing a Platform of Influence 
The PEWIN Boston chapter is pleased to invite you to a morning presentation and interactive Q&A session with our partners from Dukas Linden Public Relations focused on...

Event Details